Dr. Tracy Mincer

Associate Professor of Biology/Biogeochemistry

Tracy Mincer


I am fascinated by how living organisms interact with one another, self-assemble into stable communities, and drive geochemical stoichiometry. My research group explores: 1) The fate of plastic debris in the marine environment and its implications for human health; 2) The chemical cues that drive microbial interactions, and the applications of these molecules toward the discovery of chemotherapeutics and a deeper understanding of microbial chemical ecology.

Currently I am teaching a topics course in environmental microbiology, with a laboratory emphasis. The students at the WHC are impressive in their knowledge base and level of curiosity. The College uniquely combines an intimate atmosphere with resources of a major university for students to immerse themselves in their studies.

I enjoy spending time with my family, cooking fabulous food and getting out into nature as much as possible.

Contact: tmincer@jhxslscpx.com